MYCRO: Simple Tasks Further Made Easier

Iyanda Rauf
4 min readJun 21, 2019


Time is virtually everything, as a whole lot of things are achievable, with time.

In fact, time can be considered the most valuable resource because, with time, money can be made, goals can be achieved, and a whole lot of other great things can also be realized.

To illustrate the value which time possess, once a second in time is lost, it is irretrievable.

So, managing our time, is what determines how great or how small our output would be.

Time, being the most essential tool, should be treasured and utilized without waste, in order to ensure that a great outcome is achieved.

It is unbelievable, the pace at which time goes bye.
As a seemingly lengthy 30 minutes, one can just get exhausted, unnoticeably.

So to make sure that our times are used properly, there is a great need to to allocate little or no time, to those things that not productive, and invest more time on the productive ones, to bring about a productive result.

A lot of efforts has been made to achieve this,one of which is the drafting of the to-do-list.

This method was employed to make sure that people carry out the needed activities, with whatever amount of time they have, by assigning a time frame for performing each task.

But despite this effort, the tasks in the to-do-list ends up undone, as the time assigned to the different tasks, is barely enough to complete majority of the tasks.

So this calls for a better and more effective approach, hence the emergence of the “Gig Industry”.

Here, an individual can have some of his tasks handled by an experienced person, in exchange for a little fee.

This sounds great, as the individual can then focus on those tasks that their time could fulfill.
At the end of the day, the individual ends up ticking “all done”, on the to-do-list.

But this system is still flawed in a number of ways, such as….

* Absence of effective platforms to bring together, workers and the individuals in need of their service.

* Presence of centralized players monopolizing the system is also another nagging issue.

* High commission fee is another problem, as the few platforms available, to link the demand and supply of these services, ends up charging a very high commission fee.
This makes the users to pay more, and leaves the workers with little or no output at the end of the task.

All these has made this system, an inefficient one, and made the efficient managing of time, seem impossible.

But no more, because, there is a long lasting solution….


Mycro is the first global decentralized platform for simple task.
It has a user intuitive system, to help the users find their way around the system.

Mycro has an inbuilt job matching features, which helps to link individuals seeking a quick service, and jobbers seeking for a quick cash.
This great platform intends on bringing to an end, the inability to manage time, by providing a helping hand, for individuals to carry out their numerous tasks, in so little time.

I know this leaves us with a question of “how?”.
How will Mycro achieve efficiency in the Gig Economy, which has eluded the system for a very long time.

To answer that question, let’s see……..


In order to efficiently connect jobbers with providers, Mycro will utilize the blockchain technology and the Mycro protocol, to promote a standpoint for providers to post their available tasks.

The Mycro advanced system alerts the jobbers around the neighborhood and they are given the opportunity to apply for the task.
The provider then chooses whom they want, to perform the task, and assign them to it.

With Mycro’s mobile application, jobbers and providers can access the system, anytime and anywhere.

This way, simple tasks can be done, with ease, in so little time.

The Mycro platform encompasses different categories of jobs, such as…..

* Different kinds of domestic services.

* Delivery services.

* Internet or virtual services.

* Different kinds of skilled services.

All these are made achievable on the Mycro platform.

Mycro is not just limited to the physical world, but also made available in the digital world, as providers can pay with crypto-currencies, depending on the jobbers choice.


* Mycro has a user friendly system, which makes it easy and seamless to use by anybody.

* Low charges is also made possible with the Mycro platform, as it will utilize the blockchain technology, to make matches, thereby eliminating the high commission rate, which was suffered in the previous system.

* Payment for tasks are done instantly, once the task is completed.

* Job matching is also efficient in the Mycro system,due to its developed system and advanced technologies.

So with these, trust is maintained in the system, and efficiency is achieved.


MYO is the Mycro platform’s native currency, which will be used to run the system.

It is an ERC — 20 utility token, based on the Ethereum blockchain.

It is used both in and outside the Mycro platform.
MYO will be used to make payments to the jobbers who wish to be paid in crypto-currency, and also used to reward users, for joining the system.


Mycro is just what is needed, to solve the problem of time management, and ensure that jobbers are connected to job providers.

The Mycro’s unique features makes activities easy and ensure that everyone is happy at the end of the day.

To know more about Mycro, the links provided below will be of great help:




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Iyanda Rauf

Cryptocurrency Research Analyst | Technical Writer| Social Media Manager.